Saturday, September 8, 2012

Widgets, What-nots and Thingamabobs!

Lettering Delights
letteringgraphicsprintablescut it'sbundles
Widgets, What-nots, and Thingamabobs
Get your creative gears going with the new Widgets and What-nots Collection. Buy the alphabet or the graphics set, individually for $4, or save nearly 50% by buying the collection.
widgets and what-nots
and the thingamabobs... (or thingamabox)


flowers gift card

flowers gift card

ribbon boxes

ribbon boxes

Don't forget your thingamabobs! We have three new ones! The practical and newThingamabox Projects are only $3. Or get Patricia Zapata's new Flowers Gift Card. orRibbon Handle Boxes for only $4 each. They are all thingamabobs you can't live without!
Don't even think about it!
no brainer
Eight simplistic and pracitcal cut its for one low price of $10. It's the No Brainer Cut It Bundle.That is only $1.25/set!
Or if you want to truly give it some thought... make sure you get your FREE thinking cap!Pick up your thinking cap graphics or thinking cap cut it now. Don't miss out on a FRIDAY FREEBIE! Be our Facebook Fan so you stay in-the-know.
thinking cap
Win a $50 Gift Certificate!
Talk about a no-brainer! Obviously no one makes better projects from our product than our fans and friends. So with that in mind, we want help updating our Facebook Cover Photo.Simply:
  • Make an autumn/back to school themed project using LD product. It can even be from freebies.
  • Take a great photo of it.
  • Crop the photo to 851 x 315 px (if you need help figuring this out, simply copy and paste our current cover photo for guidance)
  • Email photo to before September 14th at midnight MST.
  • Please do not include any captions or advertising copy on photo.
  • Please do not mark the photo with your name or blog (if you have one)
  • Please do not do a Halloween themed project at this time.
Judging will be up to our fans. It will be anonymous though. No names will be attached to the photos until after the contest is over. Voting will end on the 19th. The winner will receive a $50 LD Gift Certificate.:
Sneak Peek
Each month we offer customers a chance to snag new products at a special introductory price before they are released to the product. This month's product includes the Party Back to School Graphics Set with 178 elements! This very modular set has specifically sized elements that fit together perfectly so you can create layout that look awesome without thinking! Be sure to snag it when you check out.
party back to school graphics
©2012 Inspire Graphics, Inc. - PO Box 935 - Pleasant Grove, UT 84062

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